mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

The United States of America


The United States consists of a federation of fifty states, forty-eight of which are on the mainland, the other two are Alaska, which lies north west of Canada and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
The landscape of the USA is varied; there are forests, deserts, mountains and plains. The three main mountains are the Pacific Range and the Rocky Mountains in the west and the Appalachian Mountains in the east.The highest peak is Mt. McKinley in Alaska. It is 6,194 metres high.
The central part of the country is a vast plain crossed by two of the longest rivers in the country: the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers.
The USA is rich in lakes. the largest are along the Canadian border and are called the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.
You can find every kind of climate on this territory. There is an arctic climate in Alaska and a subtropical climate in Florida.
The USA is often called "The Melting Pot" of the world. In fact, there are about 250 million Americans of different races.
The American flag has 13 stripes, which represent the original 13 states that forrmed the United States and 50 stars , the number of states which form the present federation.
The major languages are American-English and Spanish.

Copy, read and answer the questions under the map.